Program RadBeacon USB

This article will assist you with programming a RadBeacon USB for Simple In/Out. While these steps are specific for this vendor, there are likely similar steps for other hardware Beacon vendors.

If you need to purchase Beacon hardware, check out our Beacon Hardware Purchasing Guide.

To reprogram a hardware Beacon you will need the free RadBeacon app from Radius Networks. You will also need to be an administrator of Simple In/Out in order to view your Beacons and unique identifiers (UUID), which are required for programming.

Places to download: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android.

Step 1: Power down

Unplug any Beacons that may be in range of your device used to reprogram. This is to avoid reprogramming the wrong Beacon. All RadBeacon USB hardware have a 30 minute lockout that prevents tampering and will make them unavailable until powered off and back on.

Step 2: Find your UUID

If you already have the UUID you want program into your Beacon, you can skip this step.

Head to and log in with your email/password. Click Settings in the upper-right, followed by Beacons on the left. Here is a list of all the Beacons that Simple In/Out knows about for your organization. 

If you already have a Beacon that you wish to use to program your hardware, click the name of the Beacon on this screen to view the details. Then, copy the UUID, which is what we'll use to program.

If you do not yet have a Beacon, you'll click the Add Beacon button to create one. The following screen will be present, where you'll need to give your new Beacon a name and click Create Beacon. The UUID listed will be the one we'll use to program the hardware.

Step 3: Find the hardware inside the RadBeacon app

Open the RadBeacon app (either iOS, Android, or Mac). Once the app is running, plug in your hardware Beacon so it has power. Then, start scanning for Beacons. On Mac, you'll click the Start Scanning button. On a phone version of the RadBeacon app, you'll pull to refresh. Below is the Mac app and what it will look like when it finds the Beacon you just plugged in.

Step 4: Save the new UUID

Paste the UUID from Simple In/Out over the existing UUID. It should match the one you copied from step 2. Then, apply the change. The apply button will be under the Actions menu or be a button on the Mac app.

You will be asked for a pin code. Any Beacon programmed by Simple In/Out will have a pin of either 0000 or 00000000. You can set the pin to anything you wish, just as long as you can remember it for future reprogramming. You should get a message on success.

Step 5: Confirm Beacon is broadcasting correctly

Open the Simple In/Out app on your phone and navigate to the Beacon page for the Beacon you just programmed. You'll find this by tapping the Settings tab, then Automatic Status Updates, then Beacons, then the Beacon you just programmed. On this screen is a place to tap to "Search for Beacon". If the Beacon has been programmed, you'll see it successfully found.