How do I edit or delete a Beacon

Beacons can be edited or deleted by users in the Administrator role only.

This can only be done from the Simple In/Out apps and the website.


Head to the Beacon Manager.  Select a checkbox and select the Edit or Delete options.

iOS / Android:

Beacons an be managed by going to the Beacon list view. Go to Settings -> Automatic Status Updates -> Beacons to view the list of items to manage.


To edit a Beacon, tap on the Beacon you want to edit. When the Beacon detail page comes up, press the Edit button in the upper right corner of the page. This will open the Beacon edit screen allowing you to rename the Beacon and adjust the entry or exit properties. When all changes are done, you must press Save to apply the changes.


To delete a Beacon, go to the list of Beacons, tap the Beacon you wish to delete, tap the Edit button, then the Delete button at the bottom of the screen.

Once deleted, the Beacon can never be retrieved and any users currently using it will stop monitoring it.