How do I edit or delete a Network

Networks can be edited or deleted by users in the Administrator role only.  This can be done through the Android app or through the website.


To edit a Network, go to Settings -> Automatic Status Updates -> Networks.  Tap on the Network you want to edit. When the Network detail page comes up, press the Edit button in the upper right corner of the page. This will open the Network edit screen allowing you to rename the Network, set the SSID, and adjust the entry or exit properties. When all changes are done, you must press Save to apply the changes

To edit a Network, go to the Network Manager page.  From here just select the checkbox if the Network you want to update and push the 'Edit' button.


To delete a Network, go to the list of Networks, then press and hold on the Network you want to delete.  This will bring up a dialog asking you to confirm the deletion.

To edit a Network, go to the Network Manager page.  From here just select the checkbox if the Network you want to update and push the 'Delete' button.

Once deleted, the Network can never be retrieved and any users currently using it will stop monitoring it.