Adding Myself from a Simple In/Out Invite

If you receive an invite link to join another user's Simple In/Out account, you're only one step away from using all the great features of Simple In/Out.

Visit the invited link.  This will require you to enter your name, email, and password. You can also optionally add details about yourself (title, shift information, etc) and phone numbers for others to see on the in/out board.  Click Create User at the bottom and you'll be signed in.

Email is already associated with an account. You should try to sign in.

If you receive this error when adding your information, then your email is already associated with a Simple In/Out account.  This can happen if you are already signed up, have already accepted the invite, or if you've started a Simple In/Out trial in the past. Since you already have a Simple In/Out account, your email will be unavailable to add to the company that has invited you.

We suggest you sign into Simple In/Out with that email address (if you don't remember your password, you can recover it).  If you can successfully sign in with your email already, that will show you where your current account is.  If it's already with the company you're attempting to join, you're all set.  If it's a different active account, you can either use a different email address to separate the two or you can have an Administrator with the company your account goes to remove your user account so you can complete the invite to the other company.

If you started a trial before and just want to remove the trial to free up your email address, here are the steps you can take. Once you have deleted the first trial, you should be able to complete the invite process with the company you're attempting to join.

  1. Log into using (the unavailable) email address and password.
  2. Click on Settings in the upper-right.
  3. Choose Subscription.
  4. Click the link at the bottom of the page that says Delete the Company.